I built a sloped duck enclosure using elevated grid flooring where the ducks sit. They poop and it falls through, and then I rinse it out and pump it away. I used OSB for the structure of this project, but as we all know, most OSB is no friend to moisture. I used this entire bucket to cover the main boards underneath everything. I put a thick tarp on top but the rubberized coating on the boards will hopefully keep them forever protected. I was pretty surprised how thin this was though. I had to do many many coats to use the entire bucket. But it seemed in the end to be thick enough and was definitely waterproof.
I used this for all my deck joists. I don’t k ow why ppl use joist tape. It costs SO MUCH money. This is the same thing and it is faster and cheaper. I used a paint brush to apply it. Threw it away when I finished. I painted 420 sq feet of deck joists. I did 3 coats. It dries fast. If you need to put it on thickly it will take a little longer to dry, but it will dry. There are no tacky areas at all. It isn’t messy-as in-it did not drip everywhere. It stays where you put it. It goes on super fast. What is everyone doing using joist tape?!!! That takes so long to do. Hahaha. If I would have used joist tape for my deck it would have cost over 300$. This cost me 50 bucks. I am a woman. A single mom. I am building my own deck by myself….and saving money is important bc I am a single income family. Even if I had the money for joist tape, I would not have used it. It takes too long to mess with. I painted all my joists in under 40 minutes for each coat. The first layer I put down was about 2 hours before a rain storm. It dried and the rain did not hurt it at all. It beaded right up. The next day I put the second coat on without any problems from the rain. I looked on so many sites to see if anyone else used this stuff for joists. On the big box store websites, if you look up similar products like this one, people ask questions and they get answers. I saw at least 6 people ask if they could use this for joists…and the answers were always vague. Like, they don’t want to say yes bc then you won’t buy their expensive tape. It’s the same stuff! Use this instead of tape. No…..it doesn’t drip everywhere and make a mess! That is user error: stop being messy!
I got this for the roof of an rv. I am pleased with it, but have only used it to do spots as opposed to the entire roof. The concern is that the black color, here in Texas, would raise the summer temperature inside the rv. Use a disposable brush, because this is not coming out.
I ordered liquid Rubbber hoping to repair pathchews on our roof which are leaking. One is around a skylight, and the other in an area where the roof is awkwardly angled (which we have had professionally repaired in the past).My husband was hesitant to use it in either application because the directions which came with the product said to use it on pristine surfaces. Given that our house is around 50 years old, and the repair close to 30 years, it can not be described as pristine. We decided to test it first on some (wood) raised beds I bought recently. Onr of the two beds had raw/ untreated wood, and the other has a light wash of sealant? In any case, he had a difficult time getting it to adhere. On the treated surface it peeled, and did not cover evenly. He is now on the third coat, but we can see very well that it does not take on a treated surface, even a very clean treated surface. I am hoping to be able to use it on our (copper) gueers, and the seal around a skylight. That is, hoping my husband is willing to try itr after what he saw testing it on 2 raised beds. Th3e roof and gutter are absolutely not pristine, nor as clean as either raised bed.Assukming that I can persuade my husband to get up on the roof to treat those areas, I will update my review to comment on hgow it works on less than p5ristine surfaces (tile and metal)