1 Gallon RV Roof Coating


Complete This Project Like A Pro Add Theses

Complete This Project Like A Pro

How To Complete This Project Like A Pro

First Start by cleaning your RV roof. You will want to use a power washer or a roof degreaser. We typically recommend a power washer on low to medium pressure. Make sure you get all of the roof surface removing a much dirt and grime build up as possible. This will increase the adhesion of the coating and ensure longer lifespan of your roof. Finally Add painters tape around any areas where you do not want coating to get on this could be covers/ gutters or seams.

Walk your roof making sure you remove loose debris that is loose. If it is adhered dont remove it. pay special attention around seams and laps and roof penetration's because this is usually where roof leaks start.  Look for tears to your surface and dirt build up that might require extra cleaning that a powerwash wasnt able to get.

Once your surface is prepped and has had time to dry completely. Its time to apply primer. Primer is used to ensure not only to keep water from entering your but also is used to greatly increase adhesion of the coating. It creates a protective barrier from moisture from underneath the coating to enter into the coating causing adhesion loss.

Once roof is primed you will need to reseal and waterproof the most leak point areas. First start by applying Everbond waterproof tape around the roof penetrations and any repair areas where you want a added layer of protection. make sure you bridge around roof penetration and roof surface. Press firmly with roller to ensure tape is completely covering old sealant joints ect... Finally you will want to add a layer of Everbond RV Roof Sealant around the edges of the tape and wait for it to dry before moving to the next step.

After your roof is prepped primed and repairs made to any areas its time to add your coating application. Please make sure any repairs are dry to touch leaving no residue can be seen if you touch it. Apply coatings starting on one end of the roof. Apply in thin layers and use long even strokes. Much like painting cover entire surface wait for it to dry then repeat the process for the next coat. Apply for a final thickness of 1 gallon per 50 square feet.

Clean up is easy you can use paint thinner to remove coating on rollers or brushes or water as well. Any remaining product store in a cool place but not below freezing.

You will be able to drive with in as little as 2 hours after coating has been applied. To maintain you roof you will simply want to walk it every year use a the everbond cleaner followed by rinsing with hose. If any repair areas need attention you can add rv sealant and coating to those areas. Everbond is a recoat-able product meaning it can be applied to its self down the road and have extremely good adhesion.
